Website Design Packages


Dartford Living Design can design websites for individuals, businesses, organisations and charities* whether it is a one page starter site upto a multi-page eCommerce site.

The websites Dartford Living Design create will be tailored to each clients requirements. We will come up with what we feel is the best design for the requirements presented to us but we are always open to suggestions/ changes from the client as, after all, it is their website.

The design process
• After the initial contact and upon receiving your requirements for the website we will come up with a design brief and some designs for the site and a final price.
• Once we have received the sign off for the design brief / layout the site will be produced. (a 10% deposit will be required at this stage with the final balance being settled before the site goes live)
• Once the site has been produced it will only be ‘put live’ once it has been thoroughly tested and any changes to the layout/ content made.
• Once it has been put live, if you require any changes/ information added this will be done free of charge, unless it means adding extra pages which will be charged at a discounted rate.
• We will provide full technical assistance for the website in the unlikely event if any problems with the site.


Domain name

The domain name of a website is the address ie. or .com. The domain names have to be registered with a third party company which is payable yearly. It costs £15 per year for a domain name but it can be any, .com etc. New TLD’s are available. Price on request


*we offer a reduced rate for charities. please contact us to discuss further. 

Let’s Work Together

o have a chat about what we can offer your business or for more information please use the contact form below.

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